Selma e Salaverde, Bartolomeo: Solos & Duos ed. Joëlle Morton

Bartolomeo de Selma e Salaverde (c.1595-after 1638): Solos & Duos

from Canzoni, Fantasie et Correnti da suonar

ad una, 2. 3. 4 con basso continuo (1638)

Volume 1 (Introduction & Solo Pieces) £13.00 (PDF Download)

Volume 2 (Duos) £11.00 (PDF Download)

Complete edition £21.00

Edited and Introduced by Joëlle Morton

This publication presents the solo and duo pieces from Bartolomeo de Selma e Salaverde's 1638 collection of instrumental music. Along with Selma's extensive output of canzoni and fantasie, the collection includes his diminution settings of Palestrina's madrigal Vestiva i colli (for bass instrument solo, and for bass and treble duo), and Lasso's chanson Susanne un jour for solo bass instrument. Also included are scores and performing parts for all three of these settings, which allow for ensemble performance of the works in question.

Volume 1 (Solo Pieces) contains 4 canzoni for solo treble instrument, 4 fantasie for basso solo (including one for fagotto) and solo diminutions for bass instrument on Vestiva i colli and Susanne un jour.

Volume 2 (Duos) contains 6 canzoni for bass and treble solos, 2 canzoni for violin and bass instrument, 2 canzoni for 2 treble instruments, 2 canzoni for 2 tenor instruments, 8 dance movements for bass and treble instruments, and bass and treble diminutions on Vestiva i colli.

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