English Music for the Cornett: Verses by Henry Loosemore and John Coprario, ed. Helen Roberts

English Music for the Cornett: Verses by Henry Loosemore and John Coprario

from US-NYp MS Drexel 5469

For Violin, Cornett, Sackbut and Organ

Printed Edition

£14.00 plus P&P, Score and Instrumental Parts

Edited by Helen Roberts

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This edition is the result of research into the place of wind instruments in the English cathedral soundscape between 1580 and 1680. The two pieces presented here have been reconstructed from surviving organ parts preserved in Henry Loosemore's Organ Book, MS Drexel 5469, informed by practice-led investigation of three artefacts: MS Drexel 5469 itself, the fragmentary source of the music in question; the Christ Church cornetts, two original instruments that may historically have been associated with performance of this type of repertoire; and the St Teilo organ, an instrument reconstructed after Tudor archaeological evidence and representative of the style of instrument in use when MS Drexel 5469 was compiled. The edition is introduced with a summary of this research, and further information, along with illustrative recordings of the two pieces, can be found on the Research Catalogue (Helen Roberts, ‘Reconstructing Verses by Henry Loosemore and John Coprario‘, Research Catalogue (2020) https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/944310/1026868/0/0)

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